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Special Paints Zinc Phosphate Primer
Zinc Phosphate Primer - 1
Zinc Phosphate Primer :: 1

Zinc Phosphate Primer

A high quality alkyd primer, anti-corrosive, based on zinc phosphate (rust inhibitive pigment) for atmospheric exposure.
Recommended Use :
Recommended to use as primer for exterior and interior applications in a wide range of industerial structures on steel works, such as warehouses, steel structures, doors, and fire fighting systems.
Tax Inclusive
SAR 53

Paint Calculator

استخدم حاسبة الدهان لحساب كمية الدهان المطلوبة لمساحة معينة
طريقة الحساب هي انه يتم حساب مجموع الأمتار المربعة المراد طلائها وقسمتها على معدل التغطية لكل لتر للمنتج المراد طلاءه ثم تضرب النتيجة في عدد الطبقات المطلوبة.
Paint Calculator

Application Guide

Application Guide
Primer: زنك فوسفات برايمر.
Final layers: Paint with all types of alkyd-based paints. For others, consult the technical support department. The desired shape is designed within 5-10 minutes using the recommended tools to complete the desired design, taking into account the surrounding conditions.
Containers And Coverage
The theoretical diffusion rate is 11.2 m2 per liter , at a dry layer thickness of 50 microns
3.65L Gallon
Coverage : 40.88 m2
* Paint coverage depends on various factors like surface type, application method, and tools used. The coverage distance is based on one coat of paint on white color.


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